HIACC offers a state-of-the-the-art 32,000L walk-in climatic chamber specifically designed for simulating real-world conditions for packaging products. This chamber is ideal for conducting comprehensive testing, including:
Condensation Testing: Evaluate how your packaging performs in humid environments. The chamber can precisely control temperature and humidity levels, allowing you to identify potential condensation issues that could damage your products.
Humidity Testing: Assess the impact of varying humidity levels on your packaging materials. This testing helps ensure your packaging maintains its integrity and protects your products from moisture-related damage throughout their lifecycle.
This spacious walk-in chamber allows for testing of full-sized pallets or large packaging systems, providing a realistic representation of how your products will experience environmental stresses during storage and transportation. With precise control and monitoring capabilities, HIACC’s climatic chamber empowers you to optimize your packaging design and ensure your products arrive at their destination in perfect condition.